
Showing posts from August, 2017

You Are Free

We used to own a Scottish Terrier which we aptly named, "Mullet." He was a bit of a neighborhood terror, and was convinced he was the king of the world. We loved him though and provided him with all he needed and then some. I grew up with dogs. They lived outside and other than food we never really gave them anything. My wife made Mullet part of the family so he had a raincoat, sweaters, little boots for the snow, and a stocking at Christmas. He was included in Christmas photos where my sons and I wore matching argyle sweaters while my wife wore trendy clothing that only matched via color scheme.  You would think with all this attention Mullet would have been perfectly content to live with us. Such was not the case. Mullet lived his life on a mission to escape our home. Given the opportunity he would dart out the door and flee as though he had just broken out of a military prison camp.  One day I was walking Mullet and the retractable leash broke. Mullet was 10 feet aw

Why Should We Pray For Texas?

My first prayer meeting was with a group of folks who came ready to pray. We all knelt, and I began to pray for everything I could imagine. I prayed and prayed and prayed. About 5 minutes later I sat back in my chair. I couldn't think of anything else to pray for, but the folks I was with sure could. They kept praying for about an hour. I listened. I learned. (I also kept wondering how long they would last).  A favorite passage of mine in the Scriptures has always been found in the two little words, "Jesus stopped," Luke 18:40. There's a blind man on the side of the road, calling out to Jesus. Jesus is in the middle of a large crowd at the time. Amidst at least hundreds, but probably thousands of people clamoring for His attention the blind man obtains it. When the encounter is done his eyes are restored. He can see.  Allow me to pose a question. What if he didn't call out? This is Jesus passing by. God the Son is there, and willing, and able to make him

I Once Was Blind

So did you get to check out the eclipse last week? It was a pretty exciting event. I was in Puerto Rico at the time, but I didn't have any eclipse glasses so I wasn't able to get a good view. I enjoyed everyone's pictures though, and it was fun that for a little while we were all enjoying the same thing together. I recently read a news report (link at the bottom) where health professionals in at least a couple of locations reporting treating patients who put sunscreen on their eyeballs so they could look at the eclipse. Yes, you read that correctly. Absent the necessary eyewear, and without the skills to make a cereal box viewing device (maybe they buy bagged cereal?) these folks went with putting sunscreen directly on their eyes so they could look at the eclipse. Sounds bizarre for sure.  Trying to see your way through life without the proper lens is also a hopeless cause. Relying on anything other than the lens of God's Word and His Spirit to guide us leave

Let's Do Our Part

We took a team of students from our church to New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina. It was like something out of a movie. Large fishing boats laying in the street in the middle of town, cars on the roofs of homes, houses that had literally floated and then set back down in other locations, none of us had ever witnessed anything like it. Convoy of Hope was on the scene working to provide for the immediate needs of residents, and also to assist with the long term rebuilding efforts. Tractor trailers filled with donated supplies were rolled in, and volunteers came from around the country, as the church responded to the need. I've seen it many times over the years. We need to do it again. " And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased." Hebrews 13:16. Hurricane Harvey has devastated Texas and it's not done yet. Truckloads of supplies have already rolled in and volunteer teams are working to help. The Bible te

Sometimes I Get Mad 😡

Standing at the counter with my two sons and niece we placed our orders. I paid, and the server began filling our tray. She placed 5 drinks on the tray which seemed odd. I looked at my receipt and realized I had paid for 5 drinks. As she dropped off fries I spoke up, "Excuse me, I only ordered 4 drinks." Her reply, "You ordered 5," and she walked away.  I felt a little confused and a bit angry.  She returned with chicken nuggets. "There are only 4 of us. Maybe we ordered 5 drinks by mistake, but I only want 4." Her stern response, "You ordered 5, you get 5," and again she walks away. I'm a pretty laid back guy...I felt mad. What makes you mad?  The kids? A coworker? Your neighbor? Everybody gets angry. 

It's Not Always Easy...But It's Not Complicated

He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8 I'm sort of a list guy. I make "to do" lists, and I'm always putting reminders on my phone. They help me stay focused and get things done. Although this is true about me, early on in my walk with God I found some of the Bible's lists somewhat overwhelming. Paul loved lists. His epistles are filled with lists of things to do and not to do. I wondered at times how I would ever keep up with all of them. "What if I forget some of these things?", I would find myself wondering. Micah 6:8 was a verse that really helped me out. It asks a profound question, and then answers it simply.  The question: " What does God require of you?"  The answer:  1. Act Justly : Treat people properly. The way you want to be treated. That's Golden Rule stuff right there. 2. Love Mercy : Not j

When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder

My wife and I fly on standby. Our son is a pilot, and one of the unique benefits is not having to buy airline tickets. It's pretty awesome, but there are a couple drawbacks. We don't simply not buy tickets, we don't get tickets. We show up hoping for an open seat on the plane. If it's available we're in, but if not you're rolled over and wait for the next plane. This week we were rolled over...again and again and again. We sat waiting for our names to be called, but they never were. Finally night came and we left the airport. It was pretty disappointing for our names to never make it onto the planes passenger list.  Worse than this is when I encounter a believer who is afraid that when they stand before God their names won't be on a much more important list. Jesus was speaking to His disciples on one occasion when they were celebrating how God had worked through them to perform miracles. His response was to not rejoice over this. Rather they should

Fear Is A Liar

The first book of the Bible I ever read was Revelation. Why I started at the back of the book I'm not completely sure. Dragons, beasts, fire, and the end of times just pulled me in. I'm not sure I really understood much, but I was awed by it all.  The book begins with John exiled on the Isle of Patmos. Church history tells us John had been immersed in boiling oil, but had suffered no harm before being taken there. Alone in prayer one day he hears a voice and turns to see who is speaking to him. There stands Jesus. John writes, " When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said: 'Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last'." Revelation 1:17. Let me tell you what John's not afraid of...Jesus. When Jesus says, " Do not be afraid, " He can't possible mean do not be afraid of me. John never would have been afraid of Jesus. He loves Jesus. He lived with Jesus and traveled for three years in

Overflowing Grace

In order to fill the baptismal tank at our church in Yonkers you had to run a water hose to the tank from a sink down the hall. The tank was large and it would take hours to fill. I would generally turn the water on and then go up to my office and head back down to check on it in a couple of hours. Then there was that one day.  Around lunch time I realized I had forgotten I was filling the tank and raced downstairs. We used to sing a chorus titled, "Let the River Flow." It wasn't the tune I was humming as I discovered water overflowing into our sanctuary.  Overflow doesn't usually sound like a good thing. Unless you're talking about grace. Ever wonder if there is enough grace for you? If maybe your sins were too extreme, or went on too long? Titus 3:5,6 says, " He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us gener

I Want To Know What Love Is

I'm an 80's teen. We played Pac-Man for a quarter, drank New Coke,  asked, "Where's the Beef?," watched Family Ties and A-Team, wore parachute pants and Members Only jackets, and listened to music on a boom box or Walkman. It was on these last devices that we heard Foreigner declare, "I want to know what love is." This is a blog so you'll be be spared my singing it.  It's a common question that has been asked throughout time. The Bible answers it for us in this verse. "This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us." I John 3:16. Love is often misunderstood. People say things like, "If God loved me then why did this bad thing happen to me? If God loves me then why am I sick? Why did my loved one die? Why did my Dad leave? Why is school so difficult for me? Why did I lose my job?" And the list goes on. The trouble is, none of those things are a part of the definition of love. Love isn't de

God said, "Yes!"

At the dedication of King Solomon's Temple there's a dramatic occurrence when the King walks up on a platform before thousands of people, and in all his royal apparel gets down on his knees, reaches up to heaven, and prays. You can't picture 700 wife/300 concubine Solomon who has been led astray from his faith. That guy doesn't exist yet. This is young dedicated Solomon. (There's another lesson there entirely, but we'll save it for another day).  In a position of intercession the King prays. To summarize his prayer he prays, "Lord, we're doing pretty good right now. But if that ever changes and we turn away from you as a nation and totally blow it, and as a result you let other countries come in and take us captive in judgment, if from our far off lands of exile we turn to this temple and pray will you forgive us and restore us?" It's a great prayer. Afterwards they have a 7 day celebration and on the 8th day Solomon sends everyone hom

Red and Yellow, Black and White

"The real question of Christian discipleship is not can I be your brother in Christ, but can I be your brother in law?" Dr. Gabriel Salguero.  There's no way to address race adequately in a simple blog. I realize I can't cover everything, but I would like to point something out that Dr. Tony Evans helped me see some time ago. Let's begin with this verse;  "After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands." Revelation 7:9. This isn't a vision of church, this is eternity. In eternity everyone still has the same ethnicity they had on earth. John, in his Revelation, doesn't see a group of people who all look the same. Everyone is still distinguished by the same traits that distinguished them on earth. When I hear statements like,

Finding What Is Good

"Sonrisa!" "Smile!" We say it often when we take someone's photo. In our family we especially say it when taking a picture of my wife's parents. They come from a generation that typically didn't smile for pics. Portraits were to look serious. I'll get back to my in-laws in a moment. I've had the good fortune of seeing the water flow over Victoria Falls on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe. I've gazed upon the snowcapped Himalayas, walked the Pacific shores of Central America, sipped espresso at a corner café in Venice, and ridden an elephant in Thailand. I've seen giraffes galloping in Kenya, been snorkeling in the Caribbean Sea, and watched whales leap out of the Alaskan Inside Passage. From the historic cobblestones streets of Antigua, Guatemala to the modern architectural wonders of Dubai I've seen some amazing sights. I count myself as incredibly fortunate.  One of the most beautiful things I've ever seen is when my 9

When You're Afraid Of What's Ahead, But You Can't Go Back

Jacob's life is a roller coaster ride. It's largely his own fault, but he experiences a lot through no fault of his own as well. His own Mother helps him deceive his Father, but later the tables would be turned on him when his new father-in-law had a few tricks of his own.  Once his running is over and he's finally heading back home he has no way of knowing what to expect. He's afraid his brother Esau will kill him so he splits his family into two groups and sends them off ahead of him. He's left all alone, and in that place of desperation he prays, "I am unworthy of all the kindness and faithfulness you have shown your servant. I had only my staff when I crossed this Jordan, but now I have become two camps. Save me, I pray, from the hand of my brother Esau," Genesis 32:10-11 . He's trapped. He's afraid of what's in front of him, but he can't go back to what's behind him. What do you do when you're afraid of what's next

There's No Way That Worked

" I will extol the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips." Psalm 34:1 "I look great in orange."  I was straight out of school, and married with a baby. We had moved to NJ to serve at a church, and my compensation was housing and health insurance. With no cash salary I needed a job quick...any job.  I heard the township was looking for a crossing guard and showed up to apply. I was joined by soccer moms and retirees. We were given our applications and as I filled mine out I came to a section that asked, "Is there anything else we should consider that would make you a good fit for this position?" And that's where I wrote, "I look great in orange." I got the job. In my interview I was told that it was my answer that got me hired. My thought? “There's no way that worked." It happened to David once also. He was captured by the Philistines and brought before the king. Knowing they would probably kill him

We're Out Of Figs...Praising In Dry Seasons

Though the fig tree does not bud  and there are no grapes on the vines,  though the olive crop fails  and the fields produce no food,  though there are no sheep in the pen  and no cattle in the stalls,  yet I will rejoice in the Lord,  I will be joyful in God my Savior.  Habakkuk 3:17-18 Rejoicing comes easy when times are good. When the cabinets are full, things are great at work and home, the bills are paid, and your children surprise you by cleaning the house on their own. Everyone shouts hallelujah in the good times. The prophet speaks of a very different scenario. This was an agricultural society. If there is no fruit on the trees, no crop in the field, nor animals in the barn then you're headed for ruin. This equates to no income. Life is filled with both times for most of us. Seasons of plenty and others of difficulty. Habakkuk's declaration is powerful as he speaks over a dark time. He's going to give God praise anyway. It was Job who during his trial asked

You're Getting Fat...And That Pleases God

"And the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing." Isaiah 10:27 Yokes are what would fit over the neck and shoulder areas of oxen when you were plowing in a field. It would hold them in place so the plow driver could direct the animals up and down the rows. Symbolically they came to refer to bondage and restraint. Isaiah used this illustration to point out that God's plan for His people was that they would be set free from all bondage, and whatever had restrained them before would be destroyed because of the anointing. We often think of anointing as putting a little oil on someone, but the NIV translation of Isaiah's verse gives us a clearer picture of what was being communicated. “ The yoke will be broken because you have grown so fat." That sounds strange at first, but what's being communicated is the truth that with God on your side your spiritual stature is going to increase so dramatically that what held you back before isn't g

After These Things

" After these things," Genesis 15:1. God promised Abraham in Genesis 12 that he would make a great nation from him, but by the time we get to chapter 15 he's aging fast and there's still no son. This is where we find the words above. They beg the question, "after what things?" A quick review reveals some real highs and lows. He went to Egypt during the famine and lied about who his wife was, but he also put together a little army and rescued his nephew Lot when he was taken captive in a battle. The "things" include times where he was God's man of the hour, yet other times where he demonstrates an enormous lack of faith. Life is like that. Things happen. Sometimes we come through and shine. Other times...well, not so much. In Genesis 15 God visits Abraham, and Abe reminds God that he has no son, but then he seems to offer God an "out." He tells God that Eliezer, his servant, will be his heir. I know he's complaining a bit

God Chose Your When And Where

"From one man he made every nation of the human race to inhabit the entire earth, determining their set times and the fixed limits of the places where they would live." Acts 17:26. Think about that. You live when you live because it's when God chose for you to live. You may wish you were a little younger, or a little older. You may wish your birthday was a little farther away from Christmas or some other conflicting date. However, you're the age you are because God set your time. You could have been born 1,000 years ago, but you weren't. This wasn't random, or in any way by chance. You're here now because God wants you here now. If that's not enough, not only did Father choose your time, but He also chose where you would live. You don't live where you live because you found a good deal on an apartment, or because you managed to get a job in your city. God determined your location before your days began. Why would God put so much thought into

You Have What It Takes

"His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life," II Peter 1:3 "Someone's here!?" A knock came at our door unexpectedly. I went down to be handed a note that read, "cup of sugar." My neighbor was deaf and her writing skills were limited which always made communication a bit challenging. Adding to the difficulty was the fact that English wasn't even her first language. I went to the kitchen to fetch a cup of sugar. I wondered what she was making, but didn't ask. Ever started to prepare a meal only to realize you're missing a necessary ingredient? It can be pretty frustrating. It's true in every area of life. To be expected to complete a goal without being given what is necessary to accomplish the task is demoralizing. Fortunately this never happens in your walk with God. We may feel like we don't have what it takes to live for God, but that's never really true. The truth of the passage above is that Go


"You did not choose me, but I chose you," John 15:16 I was standing on the loading dock with about 100 men. I was only 16, but these were difficult days. The nation was in a recession, my single Mom was working hard to provide for 3 teenage sons, and I needed a job. The large garage door opened and 4 men with clipboards stepped out. "We only need 20 people." There had been no applications or interviews. He checked his notes and the selection process began. "I need 4 strong men." He scanned the crowd and began to point. "You, you, you, and you." What chance did I have among this group of men all much older than me? Yet, I waited as the selections continued. The final call came, "I need 4 men who can run fast. You, you, you, and you." The process was complete.  On his third you I had bee n ch osen. I got the job. It feels good to be chosen. Whether it's a pick up game, a project, or a job, there's something special about know

The Church Needs For You To Be You

"A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other." I Corinthians 12:7 My wife and I enjoy the TV show America's Got Talent. I suppose I like the randomness of it. A dancer is followed by an illusionist who is followed by a dog trainer who is followed by a ventriloquist. I'm amazed at the uniqueness of individuals and how skilled people can be in so many different ways. I've met a lot of talented members of the body of Christ as well. I've also encountered some folks who feel like they don't have much to offer. That's definitely not the case. The Bible teaches us that every one of us is gifted uniquely to help each other out. The family of God is also illustrated as a human body when we're told, "the eye cannot say to the hand, 'I don't need you'." God created you uniquely and the family of God needs for you to be you. Whatever you do you need to do it for God. This past week we had a door handle bre