It's Not Always Easy...But It's Not Complicated

He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8
I'm sort of a list guy. I make "to do" lists, and I'm always putting reminders on my phone. They help me stay focused and get things done. Although this is true about me, early on in my walk with God I found some of the Bible's lists somewhat overwhelming. Paul loved lists. His epistles are filled with lists of things to do and not to do. I wondered at times how I would ever keep up with all of them. "What if I forget some of these things?", I would find myself wondering.
Micah 6:8 was a verse that really helped me out. It asks a profound question, and then answers it simply. 
The question: "What does God require of you?" 
The answer: 
1. Act Justly: Treat people properly. The way you want to be treated. That's Golden Rule stuff right there.
2. Love Mercy: Not just to receive it. Everyone loves the idea of mercy when they're on the receiving end. Love to give it also. 
3. Walk humbly with your God: It's all about Him. God gets the glory. Keep Him first.
Those three things really come down to treating others the right way, and keeping God in the right place. What a simple to do list. 
If you ever feel like you aren't so sure about how you're doing in your walk with God be sure you're not complicating things. He's already shown you what to do.
Remember, living for Jesus isn't always easy, but it's not complicated.

Following the Son,
James A Williams

Note: Today's blog pic features the son of Stephen and Priscilla Perumalla. Their family recently planted a fantastic church in NYC called, The Grace Place NYC. Check it out at the link below 👍🏼


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