When You're Afraid Of What's Ahead, But You Can't Go Back

Jacob's life is a roller coaster ride. It's largely his own fault, but he experiences a lot through no fault of his own as well. His own Mother helps him deceive his Father, but later the tables would be turned on him when his new father-in-law had a few tricks of his own. 

Once his running is over and he's finally heading back home he has no way of knowing what to expect. He's afraid his brother Esau will kill him so he splits his family into two groups and sends them off ahead of him. He's left all alone, and in that place of desperation he prays, "I am unworthy of all the kindness and faithfulness you have shown your servant. I had only my staff when I crossed this Jordan, but now I have become two camps. Save me, I pray, from the hand of my brother Esau," Genesis 32:10-11.

He's trapped. He's afraid of what's in front of him, but he can't go back to what's behind him. What do you do when you're afraid of what's next, but you can't go back? You wrestle with God. That's what Jacob did. God will meet you in that place as you declare your dependence on Him. That night Jacob's name would be changed by God to, Israel. He would be given a fresh start, but he would walk with a limp for the rest of his days. 

When you're caught in the middle you cry out to God. You tell Him you won't let go. Your struggle may leave you with a limp, but that limp will remind you and all you encounter of what God brought you through. You're never really alone. Reach out to the God who sees you, and don't let go.

Following the Son,
James A Williams


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