I Once Was Blind

So did you get to check out the eclipse last week? It was a pretty exciting event. I was in Puerto Rico at the time, but I didn't have any eclipse glasses so I wasn't able to get a good view. I enjoyed everyone's pictures though, and it was fun that for a little while we were all enjoying the same thing together.
I recently read a news report (link at the bottom) where health professionals in at least a couple of locations reporting treating patients who put sunscreen on their eyeballs so they could look at the eclipse. Yes, you read that correctly. Absent the necessary eyewear, and without the skills to make a cereal box viewing device (maybe they buy bagged cereal?) these folks went with putting sunscreen directly on their eyes so they could look at the eclipse.
Sounds bizarre for sure. 
Trying to see your way through life without the proper lens is also a hopeless cause. Relying on anything other than the lens of God's Word and His Spirit to guide us leaves us walking in darkness. Paul said when Jesus called him to preach the gospel he sent him to, "open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me." Acts 26:18.
The gospel of Christ opens our eyes so we can see. To rely on anything else to help us see would be like...well, putting sunscreen on our eyeballs.
Let's be sure we don't lean to our own understanding today. Walk in the light. You can see.

Following the Son,
James A Williams



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