Sometimes I Get Mad 😑

Standing at the counter with my two sons and niece we placed our orders. I paid, and the server began filling our tray. She placed 5 drinks on the tray which seemed odd. I looked at my receipt and realized I had paid for 5 drinks. As she dropped off fries I spoke up, "Excuse me, I only ordered 4 drinks." Her reply, "You ordered 5," and she walked away. 
I felt a little confused and a bit angry. 
She returned with chicken nuggets.
"There are only 4 of us. Maybe we ordered 5 drinks by mistake, but I only want 4." Her stern response, "You ordered 5, you get 5," and again she walks away.
I'm a pretty laid back guy...I felt mad.

What makes you mad? 
The kids?
A coworker?
Your neighbor?
Everybody gets angry. 
It's what we do with it that matters.

James wrote about our response in these verses. "My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.” James 1:19-20 NIV.
You reverse the order to find what comes naturally. Human nature leads us to be quick to become angry, quick to speak, and slow to listen. This order doesn't produce the righteousness of God in our lives, however, and it's the kingdom of God and its' righteousness that Jesus taught us to seek first.

When someone pushes your buttons, as we say, try the order that James gives us. Let's slow down, and allow the righteousness of God to be produced in our lives. Save your anger for matters of righteousness. Get angry because children are kidnapped and sold into slavery, not because the cook put mayo on your sandwich when you said mustard. Be sure that what you're angry about really matters, which requires slowing down a bit. 

When you do you'll be glad you did, and so will everyone else around you.

Following the Son,

James A Williams

P.S. As I stood thinking about how to respond a manager walked by. I never brought up my previous conversations with the cashier. I just told him there were 4 of us and somehow I ended up with 5 drinks on our order. He opened the register with a smile and returned my money.
Slow down, think your response through, proceed calmly. You got this πŸ‘πŸΌ.


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