You're Getting Fat...And That Pleases God

"And the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing." Isaiah 10:27

Yokes are what would fit over the neck and shoulder areas of oxen when you were plowing in a field. It would hold them in place so the plow driver could direct the animals up and down the rows. Symbolically they came to refer to bondage and restraint. Isaiah used this illustration to point out that God's plan for His people was that they would be set free from all bondage, and whatever had restrained them before would be destroyed because of the anointing.

We often think of anointing as putting a little oil on someone, but the NIV translation of Isaiah's verse gives us a clearer picture of what was being communicated.

The yoke will be broken because you have grown so fat."

That sounds strange at first, but what's being communicated is the truth that with God on your side your spiritual stature is going to increase so dramatically that what held you back before isn't going to be able to restrain you any longer.  It won't fit. You'll get so big you'll shatter what held you captive.

The devil wants you to view yourself as small, weak, and bound. He knows if you see yourself that way, you'll live that way. God's Word says this over you,

“But you have an anointing from the Holy One," I John 2:20.

As you follow Jesus your stature is increasing. Fears, sins, worries, and other yokes that held you back before are shattered. Be sure to see yourself the way God sees you, and like the Psalmist declare, "I will walk about in freedom."

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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