When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder

My wife and I fly on standby. Our son is a pilot, and one of the unique benefits is not having to buy airline tickets. It's pretty awesome, but there are a couple drawbacks. We don't simply not buy tickets, we don't get tickets. We show up hoping for an open seat on the plane. If it's available we're in, but if not you're rolled over and wait for the next plane.
This week we were rolled over...again and again and again. We sat waiting for our names to be called, but they never were. Finally night came and we left the airport. It was pretty disappointing for our names to never make it onto the planes passenger list. 
Worse than this is when I encounter a believer who is afraid that when they stand before God their names won't be on a much more important list. Jesus was speaking to His disciples on one occasion when they were celebrating how God had worked through them to perform miracles. His response was to not rejoice over this. Rather they should "rejoice that (their) names are recorded in heaven." Luke 10:20. The Bible teaches us that those whose names are written in Heaven inherit eternal life. You can't earn Heaven. "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God." Ephesians 2:8. That's some gift! When we put our lives in His hands and follow Him our names are recorded on the most important list of all times. If you have put your faith in Christ than your name is on this list. Unlike our airport experience you won't find yourself standing there with your name never being called. As Johnny Cash sang like no one else could, "When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder I'll Be There." 
Don't live wondering about eternity. Put your faith and hope in Christ. Love the God back who first loved you. Do so knowing that when you stand before God to enter eternity your name will be found recorded. And since you're still on earth tell someone else about Jesus so their name can be added as well.

Following the Son,
James A Williams 

And just in case you don't know who Johnny Cash is,this link will fill you in. Appreciate the classics. 👍🏼



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