You Are Free

We used to own a Scottish Terrier which we aptly named, "Mullet." He was a bit of a neighborhood terror, and was convinced he was the king of the world. We loved him though and provided him with all he needed and then some. I grew up with dogs. They lived outside and other than food we never really gave them anything. My wife made Mullet part of the family so he had a raincoat, sweaters, little boots for the snow, and a stocking at Christmas. He was included in Christmas photos where my sons and I wore matching argyle sweaters while my wife wore trendy clothing that only matched via color scheme. You would think with all this attention Mullet would have been perfectly content to live with us. Such was not the case. Mullet lived his life on a mission to escape our home. Given the opportunity he would dart out the door and flee as though he had just broken out of a military prison camp. 
One day I was walking Mullet and the retractable leash broke. Mullet was 10 feet away from me. I knew if he realized he was free he would run for it with freedom echoing in his head, while I shouted things like, "Do you have a plan? Where are you going? The world is cruel and won't give you dog shoes!" I needed a plan.
I held the handle to the leash out and began to slowly walk back home at whatever pace Mullet chose. If he walked, I walked. If he paused, I paused. With our invisible leash between us I managed to walk him all the way home. He was free all along, but didn't know it.
The enemy of our souls loves to play the same trick on us. The Bible teaches us, "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." John 8:36. Yet, the devil wants you to believe you're still bound. So he tricks us into living in bondage to sin, although we are no longer chained. We go back to the same sins again and again believing we're trapped when we had the ability to live free in Christ all along.
When your adversary tries to lead you around with his invisible leash make a run for it. 
Live in the freedom that is yours in Christ. 

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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