The Church Needs For You To Be You

"A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other." I Corinthians 12:7
My wife and I enjoy the TV show America's Got Talent. I suppose I like the randomness of it. A dancer is followed by an illusionist who is followed by a dog trainer who is followed by a ventriloquist. I'm amazed at the uniqueness of individuals and how skilled people can be in so many different ways.
I've met a lot of talented members of the body of Christ as well. I've also encountered some folks who feel like they don't have much to offer. That's definitely not the case. The Bible teaches us that every one of us is gifted uniquely to help each other out. The family of God is also illustrated as a human body when we're told, "the eye cannot say to the hand, 'I don't need you'." God created you uniquely and the family of God needs for you to be you. Whatever you do you need to do it for God. This past week we had a door handle break at the church. Within a few hours a brother was there with his tools in hand making the repair. He may not sing or teach a class, but the body needs him. We all need each other. Don't sit on the sidelines, and don't try to be who you aren't. Allow God to use the way he uniquely created you to be a blessing to the family of God. We need each other.

Following the Son,
James A Williams


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