There's No Way That Worked

"I will extol the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips." Psalm 34:1

"I look great in orange." 
I was straight out of school, and married with a baby. We had moved to NJ to serve at a church, and my compensation was housing and health insurance. With no cash salary I needed a job quick...any job. 

I heard the township was looking for a crossing guard and showed up to apply. I was joined by soccer moms and retirees. We were given our applications and as I filled mine out I came to a section that asked, "Is there anything else we should consider that would make you a good fit for this position?" And that's where I wrote, "I look great in orange."

I got the job. In my interview I was told that it was my answer that got me hired.
My thought?
“There's no way that worked."

It happened to David once also. He was captured by the Philistines and brought before the king. Knowing they would probably kill him, David pretended to be insane. He clawed at the door, and let saliva run down his beard. The king fell for it, and they let him go. David must have walked out thinking, "There's no way that worked."

He wrote Psalm 34 in response, where he gave God praise. Like me, he knew it wasn't his quick wit that had delivered him. It was the hand of the almighty. In your own life know that even when you're at your best it is always God who delivers you. When you look at your situation and can't think of what to do remember you're not on your own. And when He sees you through be sure to exalt Him.

No matter what color you look good in.

Following the Son,
James A Williams


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