Fear Is A Liar

The first book of the Bible I ever read was Revelation. Why I started at the back of the book I'm not completely sure. Dragons, beasts, fire, and the end of times just pulled me in. I'm not sure I really understood much, but I was awed by it all. 
The book begins with John exiled on the Isle of Patmos. Church history tells us John had been immersed in boiling oil, but had suffered no harm before being taken there. Alone in prayer one day he hears a voice and turns to see who is speaking to him. There stands Jesus. John writes, "When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said: 'Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last'." Revelation 1:17.
Let me tell you what John's not afraid of...Jesus. When Jesus says, "Do not be afraid," He can't possible mean do not be afraid of me. John never would have been afraid of Jesus. He loves Jesus. He lived with Jesus and traveled for three years in ministry. Jesus is his best friend. I could be in the worst situation of my life and if I turned and saw my good friend who I hadn't seen in years standing there I wouldn't be afraid. I'd be elated. "You're here!"
Jesus also wouldn't have said, "Do not be afraid," if there was nothing to be afraid of. If everything was fine and my friend told me not to be afraid it wouldn't even make any sense. John is afraid, but not of Jesus. He's alone at the end of his life, and separate from those he loves. He's trapped on an island he can't get off of, and no one can get to him. He's afraid.
Life can be pretty scary at times. There doesn't have to be a cauldron of boiling oil, or an island of exile involved. All it takes is to feel out of control. It's into an out of control situation that Jesus walks in. He still does this. He shows up on our islands and assures us, as He did John, that He is the first and the last. He's saying, I was there when all this started and I'll be there when it's over. You don't have to be afraid. I'm with you.
On top of that, He then goes on to give him his Revelation. I have a feeling John may have thought his writing days were over once he was dropped off on a deserted island. God had another plan. 
When life deals you a blow that leaves you fearful of tomorrow, and perhaps feeling like you're finished know that God never views your situation that way. It is into these most unlikely of circumstances when Jesus walks in and says, "Don't be afraid, now let's get to work. There's something else I need for you to do."

Following the Son,

James A Williams

P.S. You'd never believe anyone who has lied to you as often as your fears have. And how can we doubt someone who has been as faithful to us as God?


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