Chuck E Cheese! Chuck E Cheese!

One afternoon I took my grandson and nephew to Pizza Barn. Pizza Barn boasts the world’s largest pizza slices. When the two foot slice was placed in front of 2 year old Josiah he exclaimed, “Ooooh!!”

The tables around us all erupted in laughter. Kids usually love pizza, and who can blame them. Even lousy pizza. Which reminds me of a great encounter with a set of twin boys.

I love VBS and we would usually have over 100 children pass through during the week in Yonkers. Most years I was a part of the Bible time. One night we were asking a group of children what they thought heaven would be like, and having them write things down on a giant piece of paper rolled out on the floor. There were some great responses. 

“My grandmother will be there!” 
“No one will be sick!”
“Everyone will have what they need!”

And then I heard it. Twin boys chanting loudly, “Chuck E. Cheese! Chuck E. Cheese!”
In their attempt to think of the best place they could imagine, Chuck E. Cheese, had made the cut.

However, as it is written: "What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived" -- the things God has prepared for those who love him.” I Corinthians 2:9

In reality there’s no way for us to imagine what heaven will be like. No mind has ever even conceived the things God has prepared. A place that Jesus has gone to prepare for us (John 14:3).

I’m sure that when we get there though we’ll have a look and exclaim, “Ooooh!”

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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