Christmas Reactions: A Look At The Responses To Jesus' Birth

The reactions of children on Christmas morning can be priceless. The way their faces light up in response to the gifts, decorations, and lights communicates such wonder and awe. I have a grandson who is closing in on two. Sometimes when he sees things he literally gasps. So much of the world is still new to him.

Just as I love a child's reaction, I love the reactions in the Christmas story to those who encountered the Christ child. The Bible uses specific words to describe many of the responses to seeing a baby unlike one they'd ever seen before, and the events surrounding his birth. Consider a few with me.

Mary, "treasured." (Luke 2:19)
Mary so valued what was taking place that she "kept it in her heart." She would never forget these moments, and no doubt would draw strength from them later.

Joseph, "marveled." (Luke 2:33)
From the beginning it had been too much to take in. He couldn't really wrap his brain around the miraculous manner of the baby's birth. Yet, he said, "yes," to God's plan.

Wise Men, "worshipped." (Matthew 2:11)
Encountering the humble family, and the simplicity of their lives, they would present their gifts and then bow down to the newborn King.

Simeon, "praised." (Luke 2:28)
The Holy Spirit had revealed to him that he would not die until the Messiah came. When Jesus was brought to the temple for his dedication Simeon took the baby in his arms and lifted his voice in adoration.

Anna, "gave thanks." (Luke 2:38)
She was an 84 year old widow who's life was devoted to worship and prayer. Her heart was filled with gratitude to God. Her Messiah had come.

Still today we all respond to our knowledge of the Savior's birth, and when we encounter Jesus. I am awed by the story of incarnation like I am no other. God becoming a baby. God having to learn to walk and talk. God being fed and changed. There's no story like it. 

Treasured, Marveled, Worshipped, Praised, and Gave Thanks. These were the reactions to those there. May we never lose the wonder of the Christmas story.

Immanuel...God with us.

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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