It’s My Turn To Be The Pop

Children's children are a crown.” Proverbs 17:6

One year ago today my phone rang. I was looking forward to this call.

“Hey, Dad. How are you?”
“I’m alright.” (Standard response)

He wasn’t alright. The cancer, chemo, and treatments had taken such a toll on him. This was Josiah’s birthday though. His first birthday. My Dad always called everyone in the family on their birthday and sang to them. He never missed anyone’s. It wasn’t pretty, and became a comical family joke yet we all looked forward to it. 

I called for my son, Nathaniel, who brought his son, Josiah, over to the phone. I held the phone to Josiah’s ear and Nathaniel and I pressed in as we all listened to Dad sing. His voice was raspy and labored. Josiah’s eyes danced. Nathaniel and I smiled and laughed. Tears filled my eyes. He couldn’t stay on the phone long. He tired quickly and speaking was difficult.

Josiah’s first time hearing his great grandfather sing Happy Birthday would also be his last. Dad would only last another 15 days. Some of the last days were tough, but he still made that call. He always made that call.

My Dad adopted me when I was very small. He raised me as his son. He taught me how to ride a bike, set up a tent, shoot a gun, drive a nail, and throw a football. That’s what Dads do. His own father died when he was just a boy, but even lacking that example he did the best he could. I guess that’s what most all of us are trying to do. He also set an example for me in many other ways.

Today is Josiah’s second birthday. My maternal grandfather died a number of years ago, and now Dad is gone as well. At the ripe old age of 50 I was elevated to the lofty position known as “Pop” in our family. I can only hope to fulfill it as well as those who went before me.

Looks like I have a phone call to make.

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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