People In Your Neighborhood
Perhaps you remember the Sesame Street song; "Oh, the postman is a person in your neighborhood." The song went on to name the people you meet on the street each day. After 9/11 then Attorney General John Ashcroft announced if we saw anyone who looked unusual or strange to report them. Those of us in NY didn't know what to make of that. I had seen a man walking down the street clothed in black garbage bags. Should I report him? I didn't. He seemed harmless, and it's not like it was the first time I had seen that. I thought about the old Sesame Street song today and reflected on who I meet on the street each day. Over the past couple days I recall; A man with purple hair hand stitching a glove at the airport. Countless women wearing hijabs. A man sleeping on the sidewalk outside of C-Town supermarket. A stock clerk who spoke no English, but was so pleased with himself when he figured out I wanted a brownie pan and located it for me. A man dres...