Powerful Effective Prayer

The first time I ever went to a prayer meeting I didn't really know what to expect. I gathered with some believers in a classroom with some chairs in a circle. After some small talk it was time to pray. I had been a follower of Jesus for a few weeks at this point so I was already praying. Yet, this would be my first group prayer other than brief prayers in church services, or some times around the altar.

A few folks stayed seated, some stood, and others turned around and knelt in front of their seats. I went with the posture of kneeling, and along with everyone in the room began to pray. I prayed and I prayed and I prayed. I prayed for everything I could think of, and probably went back and doubled up on a few things to be sure I had them covered. After about 10 minutes or so I turned around and sat back in my seat. I couldn't think of anything else to pray for, but my new friends were just getting started. 

It was in this setting that I would begin to learn about powerful, effective, fervent prayer. All believers pray. They pray at meals, they pray for traffic to move when they're late, they pray to do well on a test in school, and for their kids to behave. Most of our prayers aren't powerful prayers though. 

Too often our prayers are "off the cuff" prayers. Little flippant prayers that we sort of toss up God's way. Those prayers are actually an important part of the life of every believer. The prayers we pray as we walk into a meeting, or begin a tough conversation, show our dependency on God and our desire for his assistance in everyday matters.

James speaks of a different type of prayer though in his epistle.

"The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." James 5:16 (NIV)

"The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." James 5:16 (KJV)

How many fervent powerful prayers have you prayed lately? Prayers where you cried out to God with passion and faith? I do pray that way, but not all my prayers are like that. They are the ones that work though. James says those prayers "availeth much." They're "effective." 

Need a breakthrough? Have something you really need for God to do? Those aren't the time for a "passing thought" prayer. Those are times to pray like those folks who began to teach me to pray by modeling it for me. If you think prayer meetings are boring you're just praying with the wrong people. 

I sat in my chair for the next hour or so that evening and listened as mature saints wrestled in prayer. As they wove Scriptures throughout their prayers not to remind God of his word, but to build their own faith. As they thanked God for answers their eyes had not yet seen. I listened, and I learned.

Let's pray some powerful fervent prayers today. I can't wait to hear about what God does in your life through it.

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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