Sometimes The News Is Bad, But God Isn’t

Ever get some bad news? Sure you have. We all have. Sometimes a visit to the doctor’s office sure doesn’t go as expected. The mechanic can call with terrible news. A phone call can bring news of the loss of a loved one. Sometimes news is pretty bad.

Then all you have to do is log onto Facebook, or turn on the television, and they are filled with bad news. Chemical weapons, bombings, trade wars, hurricanes, wild fires, and the list goes on. If you aren’t careful it can really bring you down.

David experienced his share of bad news. There was the time he was told his child had died. This is a pain I have never experienced. Once he was told his own son had staged a coup. David had to go into hiding, and then respond to his own son’s political maneuverings. That’s bad news. There were plenty of other, “bad news,” moments in his life as well. Yet one day he sat down and wrote another Psalm that included these words.

They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the LORD.
Psalm 112:7

Both the righteous and unrighteousness experience good and bad in life. When it rains everyone gets wet. The difference in life is the steadfastness if those who trust in their Father. We still don’t enjoy bad news. Bad news can still bring us sorrow. Bad news can change our circumstances. But bad news never has to cause us to fear. We know God is looking out for us.

Remember this; the news isn’t always good, but God is. Let’s trust him.

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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