Sometimes Life Throws A Change-Up

Snow? In a lot of the northern states the white stuff has continued to fall throughout April this year. Rather unexpected for this late in the year. As recent as last week some cities experienced significant accumulation. I’ve heard people say things like, “we don’t know what to expect.”

Life has a way of doing that to us as well. Just when you think you know what to expect something unpredictable happens.

The car breaks down on the way to work.

The baby throws up on their new outfit as you’re about to walk out the door.

Your classmate who was supposed to do a presentation with you gets sick on the day of the presentation.

The company downsizes and you get laid off.

In baseball a pitcher can throw what’s called a change up. It looks like he’s throwing a fast ball, but then he throws it slow. If the batter isn’t ready he will swing early and miss. I suppose life throws a change up pitch once in a while as well. Just when you think you’ve got it all together things can so quickly come unraveled. It’s good to know that, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8. 

Life won’t always be the same, but Jesus will be.  He’ll be faithful, He’ll be present, He’ll be a comfort, He’ll be the Prince of Peace.

I don’t know what the future holds. Does it snow in May? I sure hope not. I do know who holds the future though. And I like knowing that He’s my friend.

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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