Green Eggs and Ham; Biscuits and Gravy; Joy and Trials: Some Things Just Go Together

"Count it all joy!" Everything about that phrase from James chapter one sounds good. Yet, when we consider it in it's context it becomes one of the more challenging phrases from Scripture.

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds."

A lot of things go together. Peanut butter and jelly; rice and beans; burgers and fries; Joanie and Chachi; but joy and trials? They don't seem to go together at all. They seem opposed to each other. Yet, the Scriptures teach us that through trials God works in us to perfect us, to mold us, to make us into who He would have us to be. Growing isn't always a pleasant process, but it's an important one.

If you’ve ever lived in a home during a remodeling project you know how incredibly inconvenient it can be. Living temporarily without a kitchen, or with a makeshift bathroom isn’t easy. I’ve been through a couple where everything was torn out out including the floor and walls. During the process though you know that when the work is done things will be so much better. 

Life can be like that as well. God is renewing, restoring, and rebuilding us. That means when trials come instead of getting angry at the devil, I need to get happy about what God is doing. Easy? Not necessarily. Worth it? Definitely.

In any building project you can’t stop until the job is done. No one wants to live forever in a dust filled construction zone, and pressing on is how you finish the task. Fortunately God never gives up on the process in our lives also. The process can be challenging, but the end result is worth it once we are made complete in him. 

Hold on to this promise when life is difficult:

He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it." Philippines 1:6.

You’ve come a long way in your walk with God. If you look back I’m sure you’re able to see how much you’ve grown spiritually. The work continues. Keep rejoicing.

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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