First Things First

The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.

I don’t know who first said this. Sometimes it’s easier said than done, but it’s always important.

Aleksey Germash tried to do this, but it got a little out of hand. He’s a long time postal worker. Someone spotted bags of mail in his personal vehicle, and called to report it. Turns out this wasn’t the only place Aleksey had mail. When the investigation was complete over 17,000 pieces of undelivered mail were discovered in his car, apartment, and his locker at work. Seems he wasn’t a mail hoarder, but rather he told officials he, "made sure to deliver the important mail."

As much junk mail as there can be it’s always possible that those on his route didn’t mind. Nonetheless, the NYC mail man’s delivery days appear to be through. 

Aleksey may not have handled his overwhelming work load too well, but prioritizing what’s important is pretty important in life. Too often what seems urgent can get in the way of what matters most. Or we simply get focused in the wrong areas, and end up neglecting to take care of the main things.

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33

The kingdom of God is the main thing. Jesus summed up the priorities of his kingdom when he was asked what’s the main thing? He answered, (my paraphrase), love God with all you’ve got, and next love your neighbor as you love yourself.

Sure, life can be pretty overwhelming at times, but let’s be sure to keep the main thing the main thing.

(No wonder I never received my Toys R Us Big Book last Christmas)

Following the Son,
James A Williams


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