You Don’t Have To Defeat Goliath: You’re Not David

I’m not David. Too often we’ve been taught the familiar story all wrong.

The children of Israel and the Philistines have drawn their battle lines. Saul and his army are now cowering in fear as the Philistines have sent out their champion. Goliath has marched out with his enormous shield and spear. He towers above everyone and has declared that there’s no reason for a war. Simply send out your best warrior and we will battle. Mano a mano. One on one. Winner takes all. But there were no takers.

In walks our hero. David has been sent by his father Jesse to check on his brothers and to bring them some bread and cheese. (I Samuel 17:17-18) When I read that text I can’t help but think that he was bringing them those biscuits from Red Lobster. You know the ones I’m talking about. They’re the only reason you go to Red Lobster. When David arrives with those delicious cheddar biscuits he hears Goliath’s challenge. He answers the call and goes to fetch his stones. An encounter takes place, and Goliath learns that anyone who challenges God has rocks in their head.

The Philistines flee. The Israelites are saved. David is a hero.

We’ve heard the story from childhood. I’ve read it in devotionals, been taught lessons, and heard sermons. Most of the time I was taught it all wrong. Oh, it’s true that God’s plan for his people is victory. Here’s what’s not true. Too often I’ve been led to believe I’m David in the story. I’m the hero. I rise up and defeat the giant. There’s just one problem.

We’re not David in the story. We’re the Israelites. We’re trapped with no way of escape. The enemy has us right where he wants us. Then with no hope our David arrives. His name is Jesus. He defeated our enemy and sets us free.

We’re not Moses. We’re the Hebrew children in slavery. We’re not the deliverer. We’re the ones who need to be delivered.

Can we do all things through Christ who gives us strength? Absolutely.
(Philippians 4:13)
Are we more than conquerors through him who loved us? Without a doubt.
(Romans 8:37)

The key truths there are, “through Christ,” and, “through him.” Christ is our deliverer. Jesus is who overcame hell and the grave. We were bound, lost, and without hope.

I’m not David. Sometimes I hide. Sometimes I’m trapped. Sometimes I’m afraid. And that’s ok. I don’t have to be David. Jesus is. 

When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.” Psalm 56:3

When you feel like you don’t know what to do don’t fall for the lie that you need to rise up and defeat the giant. You’re not David. But he’s coming. He always comes. He’s bringing Red Lobster biscuits, and won’t let any weapon formed against you prosper. (No promises on the biscuits). Let Jesus be your deliverer. He’s much better at it than we are.

Following the Son,
James A Williams


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