Remember The Alamo...And The Blessings Of God

I visited the Alamo today for the first time in San Antonio, Texas. The former Spanish mission is most known for the battle that was fought there during the Texas War for Independence . In 1936, in a battle during this war, all of the Texas soldiers based there were killed in a standoff with the Mexican army. It became a rallying cry in the war. “Remember the Alamo!”

Remembering is pretty important.

Fortunately God has a great memory. Perhaps somewhere along the way you felt like he had forgotten you. It can seem that way when an answer to prayer is slow coming, or when life is difficult. I wonder if Noah ever felt like God forgot him? He was on the ark a long time. It would have been easy to grow weary, and start to feel like you were forgotten.

But God remembered Noah and all the beasts and all the cattle that were with him in the ark; and God caused a wind to pass over the earth, and the water subsided.” Genesis 8:1

God hadn’t forgotten Noah, and God won’t forget you.

Our memories, on the other hand, can be a bit lacking at times. In a crisis we can forget how God has always come through for us in the past. The psalmist reminded himself to not forget in the 103rd Psalm.

Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all his benefits--“ Psalm 103:2

Once with my sons in the car on an icy morning my car began to slide. We were on a hill with a car stopped in front of us. I cried out, “Jesus,” and then my car abruptly stopped with a bang. Frustrated, I put my vehicle in park and got out to assess the damage to the vehicles.

That’s when it happened.

When the light changed the other car pulled off with no damage to the rear bumper. I turned and looked at me car, and discovered my car hadn’t hit their vehicle. But how? We felt the impact. I’m convinced an angel went home with sore shins that day. This was years ago, and my boys were young. They were old enough though to appreciate what had just taken place. We laughed as we gave God thanks.

I forgot about it.

Several years later one of my sons brought it up. At first I wasn’t sure what he was talking about. Then the memory vividly returned. How had I forgotten something so meaningful? It happens, but I sure don’t want it to. 

Texas still never forgot the Alamo. God never forgets his promises to us. Let’s be sure we never forget what he does for us. This would be a great time to think back about your blessings.

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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