Patient Love

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day.

One year I gave Sarai the same box of candy I had given her the previous year. Not literally. But somehow I went to Walgreens and walked out with the same box I had purchased the previous year.

One Christmas I gave Sarai the same necklace I had given her the year before. Not literally. But somehow I went to the jewelry store and picked out the exact same necklace I had the previous year.

Truth is I'm nothing like the romantic men you see on TV, or in movies. I wait to the last minute, buy gifts that get returned, and don't remember half of what my wife assures me she's told me. Sometimes I forget to put the seat down, or for that matter, even flush. Yikes!

Although those things are true I’m not going to quit trying to improve as a husband. Fortunately for me,

Love is patient. Love is kind.” I Corinthians 13:4

That’s good news because I know Sarai loves me, and I love her more than I ever knew I could love someone and can't imagine how empty my life would be without her. There are those who claim to have no regrets in life. If I could go back I would do many things differently. One thing's for sure though. I would marry her all over again.

Make sure you’re patient with those you love. That’s what love is, and odds are those you love need for you to be patient with them as well. And aren’t we all grateful for how patient God’s love has been toward us?

As for Valentine’s Day, if you need me tomorrow I'll be at Walgreens with 200 other men who waited too late. This year I want to be creative and get her something extra special. I hope they haven’t run out of can openers.

Pray for me.

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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