Love Is Spoken - Love Is Shown - Love Is Secure

We will hear a lot about love today. It’s a tricky word in English. I can say I love tacos, love bowling, love traveling, and love my wife. Every use of the word means something completely different.

I’ll save my thoughts on my love for tacos for International Taco Day (Thursday, October 4th this year). Let me share a few quick thoughts on our love for our spouses.

Love is Spoken

A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart,...For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.” Luke 6:45

Telling people we love them is so important. This is especially true with those most dear to us, and our spouses top this list. Sarai and I have been married for over 28 years. Anyone who has been married for many years has experienced some ups and downs along the way. Thankfully we’ve had far more ups than downs, but even in the down seasons we always tell each other we love each other. I never leave the house without kissing my wife and telling her I love her. Literally, never. I don’t know what the future holds. We never go to sleep at night without telling each other, I love you. I might not feel like saying it in the moment, but it is how I actually feel in my heart so it’s important it’s said. 

Make sure you speak it. Love is spoken.

Love is Shown

Dear children, let's not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions.” I John 3:18

There’s a lot of discussion that goes on about love languages. Each person gives and receives love uniquely based on how God created them individually. We have to study our spouses, and do our best to figure out what causes them to feel love, and then show it. God “demonstrated” his love to us. Let’s be sure were demonstrators of love as well. When we do we act like God.

Make sure you show it. Love is shown.

Love is Secure

Love...endures all things” I Corinthians 13:8

Whenever I hear a story of a spouse who didn’t come home it breaks my heart. I never have to wonder if God will love me tomorrow, and I never want my wife to have to wonder if I will. Our spouses and children should never go to bed wondering if we’re coming home. Life has it’s ups and downs. Emotions have their ups and downs. Love is steady.

Make sure those you love feel safe. Love is secure.

All of us will keep learning how to love better, but these 3 tips will keep us on the right track.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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