When I Am Weak Then I Am Strong

Getting sick is such a bummer. As strong and resilient as I may think I am, a microscopic virus is able to knock me off my feet. In over 26 years of pastoral ministry I’ve only missed one Sunday for illness. I was always committed to making it to church no matter how I felt. Then that one Sunday came. I got up only to end up back in the bed shaking with high fever. My wife pulled a fast one on me and called the youth pastor, and described my condition. He called me with a plan in place that would keep me in the bed. I reluctantly complied...but I was glad I did.

Fortunately I’ve faired well this year, but I’ve had times when, like you, I’ve been hit pretty hard with fever, pain, and more. When this happens whether we like it or not we get some down time.

Perhaps you or someone you love has had the flu this year. I hear this year has been pretty rough all across the country. I’m in Puerto Rico right now, and even with all the sunny tropical weather the island hasn’t been exempt. Everyone is being cautioned through public service announcements to be careful. Flu shots are being dispensed for free in clinics all over. Getting sick sure does leave you feeling weak.

Paul prayed to God when he felt weak. God's reply was;
“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." II Corinthians 12:9. 

Paul's reply to that was the powerful statement;
“When I am weak, then I am strong." II Corinthians 12:10

That's not a contradiction. When we're weak, God's power shines. We don't always have what it takes on our own, but fortunately we're not on our own.  The same spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in us.

Of course this truth goes well beyond getting the flu. All of us have times when we feel weak considering what we’re up against. Challenges at work or school, difficulties at home, financial struggles, and more can find us feeling like we just don’t have enough. So, when you feel weak, remember that it is then that you are strong.  Perhaps that should help us to all relax a bit knowing that God can handle it.

Following the Son,

James A  Williams


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