Are We Going To Eat?

When my wife and I were in Kenya a few years back our hosts forgot to feed us one day. I know that sounds crazy, but it really happened. We had no transportation so we were stuck. About 9:00 pm we saw someone and asked if there was anyway we could get something to eat. To this they replied, "you haven't eaten?" Maybe they though we were so much like Jesus we would just answer, "We have had food you know not of."
Arrangements were made to feed us, and that 10:00 pm meal was rather satisfying. Food does that when you haven’t had it in a while.

Many believers are participating in “21 Days Of Hunger” to enter the new year. Whether you are on that journey, or have never even heard of it, fasting should be a part of your spiritual life. Times of self denial are an important part of our connecting with God and experiencing breakthroughs in our lives. 

The Bible teaches us; “Do not love the world or anything in the world.” I John 2:15

But let’s be honest. If there’s one thing we love about the world it’s food. Tragically there are many who share our planet who eat to survive. That’s not the case for most who will read this blog. We eat because we love to eat. No one picks up a slice of pizza and says, “I wish I didn’t have to eat this, but I must have sustenance.” We eat for fun. We love this world’s food. Times of fasting help us to disconnect as pilgrims. Whether that’s a complete fast drinking only water, or a partial fast where you deny yourself “choice foods” as Daniel did, fasting separates us from our flesh.

In Psalm 63:5 David says that in God's presence, “I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods.”

Letting yourself hunger helps you to relate to his experience. It helps us focus on our spiritual selves and God does a great work in our lives.

May God give us such a hunger for Him that like David we can say that He satisfies us like a good meal when we enter His presence. And may seasons of fasting and self denial draw us nearer to his presence.

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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