You're At Church, Not Walgreens

Something terrible has happened to the church in America. We became consumers. I suppose it was easy for it to happen. We grew up in a capitalistic society where, "the customer is always right."
I was trained in retail management in a department store. In our training we were taught to do our best to stick to the store's policies, but if a customer was pushy enough; made a scene; wouldn't back down; then bend the rules to make them happy. Ultimately, the customer had to be pleased. I pastored the same church for nearly 23 years, and always parked in the back corner of the church parking lot. That was where I had been taught to park when I worked retail. "Leave the good spots for the customers." When I go to Walgreens I love getting a good parking spot. That's ok. I'm a customer.

Here's the problem, church. "You're not the customer." The only people coming to church who could ever be considered customers would be unbelievers. If you're a believer you're not attending church today as a customer. You're part of the staff. 

"We must quickly carry out the tasks assigned us by the one who sent us." John 19:4.

The Bible teaches us that every one of us is gifted uniquely for the common good of the body of Christ (I Corinthians 12:7). When we attend church we're not there as consumers. We're there as workers in the vineyard (Matthew 20). 

When you walk into church on Sunday you're there to use your gifts to build the body. Let me assure you that your gift is not to critique what's wrong. There's nothing special about you because you can see what could be done better. Everyone on the planet can do that. Unique individuals contribute for the common good and make everyone's experience better. 
It's Sunday morning as I write this. Perhaps you'll read this before you get to church this morning. When you arrive I hope you'll show up ready to serve. 
Is someone new? Greet them. 
Does someone look down? Encourage them.
Did the paper towels run out in the restroom? Go find a roll and put them in there. 
Sing, focus, pray, give. 
You're not at Applebees. 
This isn't the grocery store.
You can go to the mall later.
You're at church, and you're a part of it. Make sure it's better today because you were there.

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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