The Right Moment May Never Come

We like phrases like, "when the moment is right." Carpe Diem type phrases can be great rallying cries. Here's the problem. The moment may not ever be perfect. Ecclesiastes uses farming to illustrate this. If the farmer is looking for the conditions to be just right then he will never plant his crops. The conditions could always be better. Likewise, if he waits to harvest based on conditions he may miss his harvest, and lose his crop. The author writes it like this;

"If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done." Ecclesiastes 11:4.

It will never be the perfect moment to do anything. Life on earth is simply filled with too many variables and imperfections. Sure we want to exercise wisdom, and do our best. The call is not one to haphazardly live with no plans beyond today. Yet, if we linger in an effort to see everything come together then we may end up lingering for the rest of our lives. Sometimes you just have to jump. That's where faith comes in. We do all we can and then trust our Father.

This is no guarantee that everything will work out. Sometimes our plans fail. We're people. We make mistakes. Just because God is working everything together for good doesn't mean everything is always going to go the way I hoped it would. He sees a much bigger picture than we can.

Most of the ministers I know began their ministries with a leap of faith. Most small business owners one day decided "this is it, I'm doing it." Most great marriages began with some nervous guy asking a beautiful girl if she wanted to go get a pizza. Sometimes you just have to go for it, because sometimes just going for it is one of the most spiritual things you can do.

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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