You Have What It Takes

Disclaimer: I was out this morning at 4:00 am and didn't write a new blog. Sorry! But this was one of my early ones when no one was reading it yet, so hopefully you'll enjoy it now. 😁

"His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life," II Peter 1:3
"Someone's here!?" A knock came at our door unexpectedly. I went down to be handed a note that read, "cup of sugar." My neighbor was deaf and her writing skills were limited which always made communication a bit challenging. Adding to the difficulty was the fact that English wasn't even her first language. I went to the kitchen to fetch a cup of sugar. I wondered what she was making, but didn't ask.
Ever started to prepare a meal only to realize you're missing a necessary ingredient? It can be pretty frustrating. It's true in every area of life. To be expected to complete a goal without being given what is necessary to accomplish the task is demoralizing. Fortunately this never happens in your walk with God. We may feel like we don't have what it takes to live for God, but that's never really true. The truth of the passage above is that God has given us everything we need. When you feel like you can't live a godly life you need to remind yourself of this truth. Tell yourself, "I have what it takes. God gave me everything I need to live this life." As you speak the truth of God's Word over your life it will build your faith and help you to live triumphantly in him. You've got this. Christ is in you.

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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