I Remember September 11th

(Today's blog is a little different than normal. Today is a unique day for all Americans and perhaps especially for those of us in the NY and DC areas. I'd like to share what I remember.)

I remember standing on the roof of our church and watching the the smoke billowing out from the towers. There were sirens everywhere. We were afraid. I will always remember that day.

I remember...

I remember not with bitterness or hate. 
I remember acts of heroism and love. 
I remember how we raced to help one another. 
I remember how we huddled together in prayer.
I remember streets filled with shoes as those fleeing had literally run out of them, but I remember a shoe store owner who opened his doors and gave his shoes away to those same people passing his shop as they walked miles home.
I remember first responders rushing into burning buildings to rescue those in need.
I remember pastors and church leaders at police stations, fire houses, in funeral homes, and on the street comforting others with God's word and prayer.
I remember sacrificial giving to help meet the needs of others who had lost so much.
I remember how for a little while we weren't Democrats and Republicans, we weren't white and black, we weren't white or blue collar, we were fellow Americans who cared for one another.

It's sad that it often takes a tragedy to bring out the best in us. Perhaps where you live is safe and secure today. If so count your blessings. Then go do something kind for someone today. Perhaps for someone who doesn't look like you, or think like you. As a believer you will be a demonstration of the love of God.

"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8.

I know we will never forget, but I choose to remember the good. There was a lot of it.

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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