I Only Do One Thing

Leave it to a preacher to say they have one more thing to say, and then say two things. We learned it from Paul. In his epistles to the church he would work words like "finally" when he wasn't really finished. Then there's my favorite where he says he does one thing, but lists more than one. It's found here,
"Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:13-14.
I love it!
Some of Paul's writings seem almost unattainable. Oh, I know that's not the case. We keep growing throughout our lives and become more and more of who God created us to be. Still there are times when Paul almost seems like Super Christian. I think that's why I like this confession so much. It's like Paul slips in, "Oh, and by the way, I don't have all this down."
He's still growing just as we are. There is something he does have down though. It's something you and I need to get down as well.
So, what's his one thing he does do?
"I forget what's behind."
Easier said than done I know. Especially when what's behind really hurt us or left us scarred in some way. Perhaps we feel we left something undone. Whatever it was it can be easy to drag the past around like a heavy sack. It's burdensome. Paul said, I don't have everything down, but if there's one thing I do have down it's that I leave the past behind.
What's Paul's other one thing?
"I press on."
Also not always easy, yet so important. Paul had some tough things in his past just as you do. He had been through some difficult trials in life. He had dealt with conflict at church that had driven he and folks he loved in different directions. People he thought had cared for him hadn't come through when he was in need. Many in the church questioned whether he was even legitimately called to preach.
What did he do?
He chose to forget what was behind and press on. Do the same. You can't relive yesterday. You may feel like you fall pretty short in your walk with God. Here's what you can do. 
Leave yesterday behind and keep moving forward. Keep doing what God has called you to do. Keep being who God has called you to be. Keep growing.
Easy? Not always. Doable? Oh, yeah.

Following the Son,
James A Williams


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