Have I Got News For You

Ever seen something amazing that you couldn't wait to tell someone about? 
Or maybe you tried a new restaurant and loved it so you couldn't wait to tell your friends.
My nephew recently purchased a 1983 red Chevrolet Camaro. It's a head turner. The day he brought it home he passed by my house to show it off. He couldn't wait to show it off, and I couldn't wait to see it (and drive it).
It's something we do. We tell everyone when our favorite team plays well, post pictures of things that catch our eye, and spread the word about things we love. Some of us can't keep secrets at Christmas. We just get to excited.
The disciples were that way with the things they had seen Jesus do. They couldn't wait to tell everyone. Not everyone thought that was a good idea, and it got them into trouble. 
That happened to me and some of my friends in high school. We were so excited about our new faith in Jesus we couldn't wait to tell someone. The school administration thought differently. We were told that if people wanted to hear about Jesus they would go to church. What they didn't understand was, like the disciples, we couldn't keep quiet.
When the leaders told the disciples to keep quiet they responded with these words, 
"As for us, we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard." Acts 4:20.
Is that the case with you? Do things you've seen and heard from God so burn within you that you can't help but speak of them? If so, that's awesome. Keep speaking of those things. If not, then it may be time to do something radical with your faith that will give you something to talk about. Love someone who's hard to love, give to meet another's need, or show kindness when it's unexpected or undeserved. When you truly live out your faith you'll get to see God do radical things in your life and those around you. I assure you when that happens, you won't be able to keep quiet either.

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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