God Won't Stay In Your Church Box

Moses was at work when God called him to go to Egypt to deliver his people.
Peter was at work when God called him as a disciple and told him he would make him a fisher of men.
David was at work when Samuel showed up to anoint the next king.
Nehemiah is at work when he's set apart to rebuild the wall, the shepherds are working the graveyard shift when the angels show up, Gideon is threshing wheat when his call comes, and Ruth is working in the fields when her "chance" encounter with Boaz takes place.
A lot of people encounter God at work in the Bible. Why is that important to get? Because we often think of church as where and when we'll meet God. If not a worship service then perhaps in our devotional time, but at work?
God chooses not to remain in the boxes we attempt to place him in, and shows up whenever he desires. Throughout the Scriptures people do meet him at the Temple and in their prayer times, but God loves to show up when people are on the job, or sleeping, or traveling, or pretty much any time he wants.
He declares of himself through the prophet Isaiah, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD." Isaiah 55:8. 
When you show up for church this week I hope you'll show up anticipating an encounter with God. His presence will be there. But show up for the classroom and the office with the same expectancy. That's a little more challenging, but as we abide in Christ we can expect our encounters with God to often come when we would otherwise least expect them. He's not just our God at church. He's with us all week long.

Following the Son,
James A Williams


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