Jesus Stopped

One of my favorite passages in the Bible is found in two little words in Mark 10:49, "Jesus stopped." Jesus was only about a half a days journey from Jerusalem. When He arrived there he would experience the triumphal entry, followed by his betrayal, crucifixion, burial, and resurrection. He had quite a week ahead of Him.
A large crowd followed Him out of Jericho and everyone must have wanted his attention, and one man managed to get it. Blind Bartimaeus called out, and Jesus stopped.
Sometimes I don't stop. Sometimes I'm so busy, and so preoccupied with the important things I have to do, I end up not even hearing Blind Bartimaeus when he calls out for help. Yet, to be like Jesus, I know I need to hear those in need when they call.
Let's also stop. I've never had anything as important to do as what Jesus was going to do. He was off to save the world. If He could stop, then surely I have time to stop. As we do God will use us to touch people's lives in a way that will change their forever.
That's all for now. I hear someone calling me.

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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