Last July 4th Things Just Didn’t Go As Planned

You're in for a great show!"

These were the words or our host last July 4th. We were invited over someone's home in NJ whom we had never met before. The home was beautiful and right on a lake. The weather couldn't have been better. The food was delicious. We were having a great time, and it was all leading up to a grand display of fireworks. The owner of the home told stories of how incredible previous shows had been. He told us of how they were going to bring boats right out onto the lake, and as darkness settled in we all got ready. We set up camping and lawn chairs, sat around on the dock, and laid in the grass. Then we waited...and waited...and waited.

They never came.

Hey, it happens. Sometimes things don't go as planned, sometimes things don't work out like we thought they would, sometimes life can throw some real curve balls our way. It isn't always in something so simple either. It happens in every area of life.

The Psalmist said in 16:8;
I have set the Lord always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken."

Those are great words to remember when things around us are shaken. Our host last Independence Day was incredibly apologetic. We were all fine, and the evening had been wonderful. Yet, you could tell this sure wasn't what he had expected.

There will be times in life though when things won't go as planned, and there will be no one to offer you any apology. You may feel totally on your own. In those moments remember that God is at your right hand. Jesus has never left you, and He'll never forsake you.

In the end the lights in the sky for us on the 4th were the stars and the moon. They were pretty spectacular, and the truth is this is probably one of the only July 4th's we'll always remember. The one when things didn't go as planned. And that’s ok.

Following the Son,
James A Williams


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