You’re Not Cute Anymore

Michael Rotondo is 30 years old. This week a judge ordered him to leave his parents home after they sued him to evict him. Seems the little fellow still doesn’t have a job, and pays no rent.

When I visited my son’s place recently I discovered his children are exactly the same. Neither of them works, and both do little other than make messes around the house. Even though they pay no rent they can be incredibly demanding. The difference is they’re cute. Josiah is 2 years and 3 months. Isabella recently hit the 6 month mark. When you’re a baby you don’t have to contribute much, because you have the cuteness factor. No one gets upset with a 9 month old for spending too much time laying around.

The story changes as you get older. A teenager who lays around, and doesn’t help can anger a parent. You know why? They’re not cute anymore. A 30 year old laying around playing games? The cute factor is long gone.

It’s not that you can’t look good when you’re 30. It’s just that it involves a job, raising children, or maintaining a home.

Home and church have a lot in common here. When you first came to church you were like a newborn baby. When you came in everyone smiled, and was happy to see you even though you didn’t do anything. You were so cute. In those days it didn’t matter whether you contributed in any way. Everyone loved you just because you were adorable. You know what’s not cute? A believer who has been around for years who shows up each week and does nothing. In order for a family to function everyone needs to do their part. That’s just as true of a church family as it is for a Dad, Mom, and children.

You are members of God's family.” Ephesians 2:19

“We are to grow up.” Ephesians 4:15

Once we’ve been in Christ for many years we should have grown up, or at the very least, be growing. A believer who attends church regularly but doesn’t give, volunteer, or contribute in any way is a bit like a 30 year old couch potato.

Now hopefully no pastors will read this, and then sue to get their spiritual sons and daughters moving. 😂 Rather, this is a word to encourage all of us to do our parts.

Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” I Corinthians 12:27

Let’s grow!

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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