The Amazing Faithfulness of God

The faithfulness of God is truly amazing. Our God who is the same yesterday, today, and forever never leaves us and never forsakes us. (Hebrews 13:8/Deuteronomy 31:6). 

He keep his promises (Deuteronomy 7:9),
loves us always (Jeremiah 31:3),
and his grace abounds (Romans 5:17).

He's a friend who sticks closer than a brother (John 15:15, Proverbs 18:24),
calls us his own (I John 3:1),
and holds us in the palm of his hands (John 10:28). In fact, he engraves our new names on his hand (Isaiah 49:16).

Think about that. I have an uncle who had his wife's name tattooed on his arm. Things didn't turn out so well though, and later he had the word "void" tattooed over her name. God loves you so much he had your name tattooed on his hand, and you can be assured that void will never be written across it. He's never letting go of you.

Many years ago I sat my then 3 year old son down and talked to him about how we were moving. I told him how we were going to have a different church, and a different home, and meet new friends. I explained how so many things were going to change. He sat and contemplated during our conversation, and when I was done I gave him a chance to respond. He looked at me with his big brown eyes and asked, "Are you still gonna be my Dad?" I hugged him and assured him this was never going to change. I would always be his Dad and he would always be my son.

Even when everything around us changes our relationship with Father is secure. As we abide in him we can be assured that he's a safe shelter to hide ourselves in.

Rest in that assurance this week.

Following The Son,

James A Williams


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