Sometimes Life Is Really Busy

I got busy. Really busy.

For the past few days my life was a bit of a whirlwind. I received a call requesting I come preach at a church in Silver Springs, MD. The church has an interim pastor right now, and his wife’s brother had died. I was already busy with some things, but now had flights, travel time, and preparation added to the list. When I get busy I know it’s time to prioritize, because I never want what seems urgent to come before what matters most.

For me this meant I went a few days without writing this blog. I didn’t want to do this. I generally write a new one every day. However, I knew the weekend’s Sunday services on a short notice were where my time was most needed. This was one of those “out of season” (II Timothy 4:2) moments. My mind kept going back to the blog, because I really enjoy writing it. Yet when my thoughts lingered on it I would remind myself to focus on what was most important.

As I look back here’s what stayed on my list of things to do in the midst of a busy few days:

My wife. She was with me so that made this easier.
My sons. I found time to talk to both of them on the phone.
My grandchildren. I FaceTimed with an energetic 2 year old who danced and sang along to “The Greatest Showman” while on the phone.
My Mom. She texts me every few days, and asks which state I’m in. Over the past 3 days there were 4 different answers. We still spoke by phone as well.
My nephews and nieces. I texted several of them throughout my weekend.
Sunday’s sermon. I knew it was important to, “equip God’s servants for every good work.” (II Timothy 3:17). Folks would come to church to hear a word from God, and I needed to be ready to preach it.

Other things on my “to do” list were set aside for a couple days. I knew my priority had to be my family and ministry. Currently I am sitting in seat 18D on a 6:00 am from DC to Dallas. Most everyone around me is asleep as I’m typing away on my phone. I crawled into bed at about midnight last night and had to get up at 4:00 am so I may doze off with them in a bit, but I’ll probably just drink more coffee (don’t judge me).

Pulling off this weekend meant allowing some calls to go to voicemail. It meant not watching playoff basketball until Sunday night. It meant having my wife help me out with some things. (And it meant pushing my writing back a few days.

If we aren’t careful what’s urgent will eat up all our time in life, and what matters will get neglected. Time is precious, let’s use it wisely. (I’m still learning 😁)

Make the most of every opportunity.” Colossians 4:5

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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