My Mama Loves Me Like A Rock

When I was growing up there were a lot of days where it seemed like a good idea to run away. I'm so glad my Mom never did 😁.

I already wrote one blog about Mom’s this week, but one just doesn’t seem like enough. Paul told Timothy that those who preach and teach are worthy of double honor. I know he was speaking of church elders at the time, but more of us are won and discipled by our mothers than probably anyone else. So here’s a few more thoughts.

Tomorrow is Mother's Day. There are a lot of Mom's in the Bible. There's Eve, the first Mom. There's Sarah, the oldest Mom. Jochebed, would risk her life to save her baby boy, Moses. Hannah, would pray for a child, and then give Samuel to God's service in the Temple. We can't forget Naomi, who lost her sons young, but would become a Mother to her daughter in law, and there were Mom's that went out of their way to get their children to Jesus so He could bless them.

When I think of Mom's from the Bible, the one I picture first though is standing in the foot of a cross...with her son hanging before her.

Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother.” John 19:25

Although most everyone else had scattered, Mary was going nowhere. In spite of risk to her own life she would stay there with Jesus. He was now a 33 year old man, but He would always be her boy. Mom's are like that.

Mom's, thanks so much for sticking with us. When we cut our siblings hair, argued over any and everything, spilled our juice for the 92nd time...this week, cried for no apparent reason whatsoever, and fed the dog with your favorite dish you just kept loving us.

Granted, your voice and facial expression sent sheer fear down our spines, but we always knew you loved us. And, even as adults, when we've made some unwise decisions you still kept on loving us.

God could have designed families any way He desired, but we sure are glad they included you!

Happy Mother's Day!

Following the Son,
James A Williams


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