Give And It Shall Be Given

In Acts 4 first century believers became known for their incredible generosity. In fact, we read that no one had need because the believers had all things in common. That doesn’t mean they were communists. The account of Ananias and Saphira selling their property let’s us know people still had personal possessions. Yet, there is a clear picture of believers giving sacrificially to meet one another’s needs. I've heard it said that we're never more like Jesus than when we are giving. 

When I first left Bible College to go into ministry we were so broke. Just before I left the campus the school cook called me. He said he had a frozen turkey left over from the semester and wanted to know if I wanted it. You better believe I did. We packed that turkey up with our few possessions, and drove off for New Jersey.

After unpacking Sarai put the turkey in the oven, and we ate turkey every night for more than a week. Just as it was running out a knock came on our door one evening. I opened it to find several women from our new church family standing there. One of them was holding a large basket that contained some canned goods and fruits all surrounding a large frozen turkey. 😮

Another bird went in the oven, and we kept eating turkey every day. I’ll never fault the children of Israel for complaining about eating manna every day, because once I ate turkey every day for several weeks. The story is amusing to me now, but even in the moment I knew it was the giving of others that saw us through.

John 3:16 teaches us that, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son."

When we give, we act like God.

Giving is done in many different ways, and there are always many worthy causes. Let’s be sure to keep an eye out for opportunities right around us though as well. It’s not only children on the other side of the world who need help. Sometimes it’s the children next door.

Let's act like Jesus together, and impact our world.

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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