There’s Always Something You Can Do

"Isn't it amazing what a prayer can do? When it all seems hopeless it'll pull you through." -Mark Farner.

Some of us have been around long enough to remember this classic song by the former lead vocalist and guitarist of Grand Funk Railroad. If not, there’s always YouTube.

This week I’ve seen some dear friends and loved ones get hit with some pretty major things. Issues that can really pile the stress on. Isn’t prayer an amazing thing?! The Lord of all creation made a way for us to communicate with him through simply talking to him.

One of my favorite prayer quotes I first heard from Dr. Don Meyer. “If something happens when I pray then something doesn’t when I don’t.”

The Bible tells us in James 5:16 that the "prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." Knowing this, and then knowing people are praying, sure does build faith. I’m praying this morning and throughout my day for my friends and family member’s needs. I love knowing that others are praying for me as well. 

Someone once said, "prayer means you never have to say, there's nothing I can do." We can all do something. In fact, we can all do something that is both powerful and effective. The next time we hear of a need instead of wishing we could help, let's go ahead and help. 

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

Let us pray.

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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