Be Happy: Some Things I’ve Learned

I recently heard that Yale University’s most popular class of all time is on how to find happiness. I don’t know if puppies and donuts are a part of the course, but both make me happy.

This is actually a real course offered by the Psychology department, and the University expected it to be popular, but never anticipated that a quarter of the undergraduate students would sign up. Kind of speaks volumes about stress and what students are going through. Obviously it’s not only students who deal with these things.

There are no simple solutions to being happy, and a class (and certainly not a blog) can truly account for everything. Depression is real, and I would never imply some 3 step formula to overcoming anxiety. However, I have lived long enough to pick up on some things that help me when I’m down.

A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” Proverbs 17:22

“A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit.” Proverbs 15:13
  1. Help someone else. Most everyone has days where they feel down. Sometimes for good reason, and sometimes for no apparent reason at all. If I feel like I need a word of encouragement I encourage someone else. If I have a need I try to meet someone else’s. The principle of sowing and reaping never fails. When you bless someone else you get blessed.
  1. Worship. The Bible promises us that God will keep in perfect peace the one whose mind is stayed on him. The presence of God is powerful. When Saul was tormented he knew to send for David and his harp. I know to put on some worship music, and read some key Psalms.
  1. Seek out positive people, and avoid negative people. Sometimes that’s easier said than done. In fact, impossible if they are in your immediate family. However, assuming they are not, I know I need to speak with positive people who will lift me up. So I seek them out, call them, text them, etc. I know that I am often the positive individual that others need, and I am grateful that others fill this need in my life as well. 
  1. Do something active. Walk, jog, bike, golf, whatever it is that suits you. You’re not just a spirit. You’re not just a mind. You’re also a body. When my mind is down my spirit and body tend to follow. When I’m weak physically I’m weak mentally and spiritually. Every part of your being is connected. When I feel down I go outside. Nature declares the glory of God, and moving helps me feel better.
  1. Rest. On the seventh day of creation God rested. Oh, he was still God. But God rested from God’s work. Rest from your work as well. All work and no play doesn’t only make Jack a dull boy. It sends Jack to an early grave. Jesus rested. He taught his disciples to rest. Rest.
  1. Count your blessings. When your mind wants to linger on what’s wrong be sure to refocus on what’s right.
I can’t deny that I am generally a very positive person. But even the most positive of people get down. I hope these things help you. And what about you? What helps you when you feel down? Feel free to share it in the comments.

Following the Son,
James A Williams


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