Don’t Do As The Romans Do...Unless You’re Roman

“When in Rome, do as the Romans do."

This old expression from the ancient Roman empire encouraged everyone to just fit in. Don't rock the boat, don't stand out, don't be yourself. It’s a phrase most all of us have heard before.

A few years ago my wife and I had a unique opportunity to visit Rome. We were originally headed to India where I was the scheduled commencement and graduation speaker at Bethel Bible College in Kerala, India. We were excited about the trip, but our dates fell during a time of a brief squabble between the US and India. The result of this had been a few deportations and some denied visas as the two countries sort of smacked each other back and forth a bit. It wasn’t really anything too serious. Simply an unfortunate political game and we were caught in the middle of it. Bottom line was our applications were delayed, and we weren’t allowed to go to India in time for the graduation.

I already had two airline tickets to India that I obviously didn’t want to lose. I called Emirates Air, and asked what I could do. I was then informed my tickets were nonrefundable, and there was only one place we could travel with them without paying more money. That place was Milan, Italy. So we cashed in our hotel reward points and headed out on a dream vacation.

Before we ever arrived in Italy I knew something...we wouldn’t fit in. We wouldn’t, "do as the Romans do." I tried to impress the people with my knowledge of Roman numerals I had acquired watching Super Bowls over the years. I ordered Caesar salads, and worked phrases like,  “Now that’s a spicy meatball,” into conversations. It didn’t work.

That's ok, though. We weren't really made to fit in. When Paul wrote to the church, he used a very different expression than, "when in Rome." Instead he wrote,

Therefore, ‘Come out from them and be separate, says the Lord’.” II Corinthians 6:17

God didn't make you to blend in, God made us to stand out like stars against the nighttime sky. Don't feel bad when you don't fit in this world. Don't even attempt to do so. It is the difference that Christ has made in our lives lived out that will draw others into relationship with him as well.

I had to remember this on our trip, just as we all have to remember it every day at school and work. So, let’s rock the boat. But not the gondola.

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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