There’s Something In The Grass

I found someone’s driver’s license today. It was just laying in the grass on the edge of a parking lot. No wallet, no purse, just a license all by itself. I walked over picked it up, and thought about what to do.

I remembered the time I lost my wallet. The man who found it looked me up through information. 411? Is that even a thing anymore? I don’t know. I just know how grateful I was when he called me. I took him a fruit basket. I didn’t actually buy him a fruit basket. It was Christmastime and someone had just given it to me. But how was I supposed to buy him something? He had my wallet.

Anyway, back to the license. The woman was only 22 so I knew there was no way she had a home phone. Unless the cable company had tricked her into a package deal with free movie channels for three months, internet, tv, and a home phone. (If this happened she took the deal, but never answers the house phone, and she forgot to cancel the free channels so now she’s paying for them every month.) I went with trying to find her on Facebook, but that didn’t work. I was left with the US Mail or a drive to her house.

So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” Matthew 7:12

Looks like I’d be driving across town.

As I knocked on the door I figured if no one was home I would just leave it in the door with a note or something. A woman’s face was soon peering at me through the corner of a curtain though, and when I held up the license she looked at it like I was flashing an FBI badge. 
“Is this someone’s from this house? I found it.”
The door opened slowly and the woman said with a bewildering tone, “That’s my daughter’s. Where did you find it?”
I handed over the license.
“In some grass by a parking lot a few miles from here. If you ever find my license bring it to me. Have a nice day.”

She looked at me like I was from Mars, but as I walked away called out, “thank you!” I felt good, but I was hoping for a fruit basket.

Jesus on two occasions equated giving a cup of cold water as sort of the minimum level of Christian service. He also said that such an act of service wouldn’t go unnoticed, and God would reward it. The young lady who lost her license will never know who I am. That’s ok though, because God knows. He knows who you are, and what you do as well. Let’s keep doing for others what we would like done for us.

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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