Strep Throat Reminds Me To Give Thanks

This past week my son, his wife, and my grandson were all diagnosed with strep throat. Outside of feeling lousy and your throat burning there are always other effects as well. One is that you are generally quarantined for 24 hours after beginning your antibiotics. I had strep throat last year, and at home my family insisted that I not get too close to anyone. I was also to wipe everything I touched with a disinfectant wipe. On the plus side they wouldn't let me clean anything in the kitchen.

It made me think about what it must have been like to have been "unclean" during the Old Testament. To have been separated from everyone as a result of a disease or condition must have been so difficult. If you were diseased under the Old Covenant you would actually have to shout the word, “unclean!,” if anyone tried to approach you. 

There was one occasion when Jesus was traveling when 10 men with leprosy shouted out to him from a distance for healing.  Imagine the joy brought to the men in Luke 17 when Jesus healed them. They could now return to the temple for worship, and home to their families and friends. Relationship was restored when Jesus cleansed them and made them whole. As joyful as they must have all been only one returned to give Jesus thanks for healing him. That sure does seem strange.

One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan.” Luke 17:16-16

Every one of us who are in a relationship with Christ has been cleansed from sin. That which separated us from God was removed and we can now fellowship with Him. Many of us will come to a communion table this week as we celebrate the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. As we do let's be the one who returned to give thanks. Let's bow our hearts in grateful worship that we are now in relationship with our Heavenly Father and the family of God.

When my strep throat cleared up I was happy to once again be around my family. I was glad to be back in relationship, and I know my son, wife, and grandson are now as well. Unfortunately that also means you get to wash the dishes.

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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