Life Lessons From A Pet

This week I read a post I always hate reading. A friend’s dog had died and I could hear the sadness in his post. If you’ve ever been a pet owner you know how difficult it is to lose a pet. Reading his farewell made me remember my dog, Mullet. Mullet was our Scottish Terrier, and we sadly said goodbye to him four years ago. He was a crazy little dog who fought rottweilers, battled skunks, and valiantly protected us from postal workers, senior citizens, and teenage girls. I used to say to Mullet, "I know that profiling is wrong, but you have no ability whatsoever to determine who is an actual threat to us."

Remembering Mullet this week made me remember some things. He was one of God's creatures, and Father did use him to teach me a few things.

1. Forgive and Move Forward.
Even if I scolded Mullet he would immediately come back over wagging his tail. He forgot those things that were behind and pressed on.

“I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead.” Philippians 3:13

2. Play. 
Mullet was always on duty, but still had time to play.

For everything there is a season,...a time to laugh;...and a time to dance.” Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

3. Family Matters.
Mullet would defend us at all costs. He knew the importance of family and friends.

But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.”
I Timothy 5:8

4. Enjoy Life.
I never heard Mullet complain. He was happy no matter the weather, situation, or his health.

Do everything without complaining and arguing.”
Philippians 2:14

There’s a lot to be learned from those furry friends in our lives, and I’m sure you could add many other thoughts. Today it’s our Wire Fox Terrier, Mr Fox, teaching us be lessons at our home. Father’s creation is pretty incredible.

Following the Son,

James A. Williams


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