Choose Life

Abortion stops a beating heart.

This morning I’m headed out with some believers from Life and Liberty Ministries to a Planned Parenthood office in Richmond, VA. We will be there to provide sidewalk counseling to women seeking abortions. Many of them are unaware of the options available to them, and feel trapped into abortion being their only option. It saddens and angers me when laws are passed that restrict providing information to people under the cover of being pro-choice, and I’ve seen this in some communities. To restrict information isn’t pro-choice, it’s pro-abortion.

The pro-life community is often accused of only caring about life before a child is born. While that may be true for some politicians it sure shouldn’t be true of the church. Yet I hear believers sometimes cry for cuts to all social programs. It’s missed that programs like WIC, which provide formula and food to mothers and their babies are vital. When my sons were babies our finances were extremely limited. Were it not for WIC I don’t know how we would have made it. We weren’t “leeching off the system,” as some would accuse, and today our sons are both working adults paying far more back to the government in taxes than we received. They were a good investment.

To truly be pro-life is to care about life from conception to the grave. 

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” James 1:27

I don’t like that being associated with conservatives also connects you with people who often lack a heart for the poor. In evangelical churches we often care about the poor as long as they are overseas. America’s poor simply need to work harder, and stop asking for handouts. This is so unbiblical. 

Whoever shuts their ears to the cry of the poor will also cry out and not be answered.” Proverbs 21:13

Today we will attempt to talk folks out of taking the life of their unborn children. We will also do all we can to connect them with resources to help them make it when they choose life. Life and Liberty is here every week. Pray for them and others who are faithful to pro-life ministries. And in your own life make sure you’re just as pro-life for 5, 25, and 75 year olds as you are for the unborn.

“Anyone who saves one life is as if he saved an entire world.” Jewish proverb 

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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