Married And Flying On Standby

“I only have one seat.”

I’ve heard it before. I heard it today. We’re headed to Springville, NY to join a great church for a celebration tomorrow. My wife and I are traveling together from San Antonio, TX and our flight had a connection in Philadelphia. We fly on standby since our son is a pilot for the airline. It’s an enormous benefit, but occasionally we encounter what happened this afternoon. We get separated.

Usually if this was to happen I send Sarai on ahead of me, but on this trip I took the earlier flight since I’m preaching tomorrow. She should catch up, but this was a “just in case,” decision. 

So I boarded the plane, and took the only available seat. Unfortunately this was in first class. Hey, it happens, and sometimes you just have to take one for the team. As I sat there in my spacious seat with plenty of leg room, and my coffee in a ceramic cup eating my complimentary Brookshire dark chocolate snacks a Bible verse came to mind.

They are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” Matthew 19:6

It seems that the airline hadn’t given this verse any consideration when they gave us seats on different flights. I don’t really expect them too, but it sure is important we do. Not just Sarai and me, but all of us.

We live in a day where marriage often isn’t valued. I especially enjoyed the recent movie, “The Greatest Showman.” If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend it. Without spoiling it for you, there was something incredible about it considering most of what comes out of Hollywood. It values marriage and family. Most of what is produced today maligns marriage. Couples that are romantic and having fun are rarely married, at least not to each other. Married couples are presented as disgruntled and suffering. If we aren’t careful that can begin to feed how we think about things.

Last night my wife and I sat up late playing the card game Phase 10 on our bed drinking ginger ale. We’re just wild and crazy and living on the edge like that. After 28 years of marriage we’re still as different as night and day when it comes to most things. So sometimes she sits through a college basketball game, and sometimes I sit through watching men skate around in frilly shirts trying to win a medal. We will often play a game at the same time. Make time for your marriage. Enjoy life together. And even if the airline separates you don’t separate yourselves.

Following the Son,
James A Williams


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