Elizabeth Swaney: The Olympian Who Beat The System

The headlines read like this:

The Winter Olympics Feature 2,951 Of The World’s Greatest Athletes, And Also This Woman”

“Elizabeth Swaney: The Olympic halfpipe athlete who doesn’t do tricks”

“The Story Behind The Least Impressive Performance Of The Winter Olympics”

If you haven’t heard of her yet, you probably will. Elizabeth Swaney competed for Hungary in the Winter Olympics in the freeski halfpipe today. Turns out she’s not from Hungary. She’s from California. Turns out she can’t do any tricks, but competed in an event where you are judged on tricks. Elizabeth beat the system. 

She traveled around the world for the past two years and competed in enough events to qualify. But once you get to the Olympics you have to place among the top 30 athletes to compete. She came in 34th. However each country can only send 4 athletes to the event. Countries like the U.S. had 6 women qualify, but 2 can’t compete. When the numbers were in, Elizabeth was in the top 30. The final step her grandparents get credit for. They are Hungarian.

So a woman from California, who looked like she was skiing in the Poconos, confused the audience and the world by competing in the Olympics. Whatever you think of how she pulled this off she will go in the books as an Olympian.

Make the most of every opportunity.” Colossians 4:5

Paul wrote those words speaking of the importance of reaching the lost. Imagine if we had the same resolve, and used the same determination and creativity that Elizabeth Swaney used to reach unbelievers? Jesus did. It meant he hung out with people who wasn’t supposed to hang out with, and went places he wasn’t supposed to go. At least that was true according to the religious leaders. Let’s follow his example and go for it.

I’m impressed with Elizabeth. I’m so impressed that I may compete in the next Winter Olympics in figure skating representing Puerto Rico. Whether that works out or not I’m going to creatively make the most of every opportunity to lead folks to Christ. Do so as well.

And if you want to see Elizabeth’s routine, YouTube her. You will not be impressed with her skiing, but will be that she’s there.

Following the Son,

James A Williams


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