Let’s Bridge The Generation Gap

I have a niece who graduated from High School last year whose class sang, "We are the world," as their class theme song. This stood out to me, because when I graduated from High School we sang the same song. When I told her this she was a bit taken aback. It seems she didn't realize we had music back then, let alone school. I assured her that Pa used to take me to school in his horse and wagon with my chalk and slate back in a historic time known as the 1980s. Back in those days we had to record, “We are on the world,” onto a Memorex tape off the radio, and hope the DJ kept his mouth shut until the song finished.

Times change.

Paul wrote a letter to Timothy, a young Pastor at the time, where he gave his apprentice some sound advice about life when you’re young.

Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” I Timothy 4:12

Sometimes our gap in age can create this opportunity. It would be too narrow to see this as Paul simply telling Timothy to not tolerate anyone looking down on him. Rather, I believe that Paul was also challenging him to live beyond his years. 

“Hey, Timothy, you're young, but that's ok. Live in a way so that no one will be able to look down on you because you're young."

When I see a high school student demonstrate maturity, I'm so impressed. I'm inspired by a young adult who seeks wisdom from someone from a previous generation. Likewise, I find it equally impressive when an older adult is motivated to action by someone from a younger generation. It seems that in these ways we bridge the gap between generations in the church, and allow God to unite us for the good of His mission.

As we interact with those from generations either older or younger than we are let’s be sure to not miss what the other has to offer. Let's glean from one another as we follow Christ. We may not dress the same, or have the same taste in music. We may not always understand why another generation thinks the way they do about things. But we definitely have much to be gained from one another.

Also let’s heed Paul’s call. Are you a little younger? Live in such a way that the generation before you won’t have any reason to look down on you. Are you a little older? Give the younger generation an opportunity to speak into your life. We’re all in this together.

Following the Son,
James A Williams


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